2024 in Review – A Journey of Audacity and Generosity

As we wrap up this remarkable year, I’m delighted to share this final newsletter—a celebration of the audacious moments that shaped 2024. When I chose “Joy” as my word for the year, little did I know how profoundly it would weave through every experience, from the exhilarating launch of my book to watching my son […]

No-vember has traditionally been the month of No, reminding us to assert our boundaries. This year, I’ve flipped the script to Yes-vember, saying Yes to new adventures and opportunities and stretching outside of my comfort zone! My commitment to writing this monthly newsletter, which I’ve maintained since June 2022, nearly slipped because of my enthusiasm […]
Turning Triggering Moments into Opportunities for Connection and Innovation

So often, I hear leaders recount a version of this story: “I was in a board meeting, presenting data my team and I had meticulously researched. Midway through, someone interrupted me—aggressively, dismissively—and challenged my conclusions. They hadn’t even listened properly to what I was saying.” Sounds familiar? It’s natural to feel triggered in such situations. You […]
Dangerous vs. scary

Yes, venturing into the unknown is undeniably scary, but the idea that never taking that leap could pose a greater danger resonated powerfully with me.
An extraordinary adventure

From a thrilling book launch to not one, but two grand celebration parties, and the surreal sight of my book, “The Audacity Spectrum”, standing tall among the best business books in airport bookstores. Meanwhile, my son embarked on a solo adventure in Peru, and I made my way to Vancouver Island to expand my range and deepen my capacity with the exceptional 4PC tribe of high-performing coaches.
From Dream to Reality – Join the Book launch Celebrations!

I have so many mixed feelings—excited, apprehensive, anticipatory—and so many people to thank. It truly took a village to bring this dream to life. I’ve imagined this moment countless times, and now it’s finally here!