

Programme Artemis


Programme Artemis



The programme’s name is inspired by NASA’s project Artemis – taking the first woman astronaut and the next man astronaut to the Moon to build a space base to explore Mars. Our programme Artemis aims to take successful leaders to their next level. 

Artemis invites you on a powerful journey through the three crucial dimensions of leadership mastery – Energy, Power and Voice. A journey that will allow you to move from the high performance rat race to true mastery, impact and fulfilment.

Learn to model authentic leadership immersing and practicing during 3 modules: Energy, Power, Voice

  • 5 month programme, 8 sessions, every 3 weeks
  • 6 Group Coaching Sessions covering content on Energy, Power, Voice
  • 2 In-person Deep Dive Coaching Sessions, in London
  • 1 highly powerful individual coaching session

“This course offers a transformative experience on how to approach leadership. It's delivered by kind, intelligent and experienced coaches who help you think about leadership at work and outside. It's truly powerful.”



Deep interactive learning and group coaching:
The 6 interactive online sessions give you key concepts, insights and practices to master leadership across the 3 pillars – energy, power and legacy. Each of these interactive sessions addresses a different aspect and brings you distinct concepts and tools for leading in a complex and challenging environment.

2 half day workshops
in person in London:
Nothing beats working face to face, in the same space.
These two half-day workshops are filled with engaging and transformational exercises and give the participants the opportunity to create connections that will support them throughout and beyond the programme.

1 highly power individual coaching session:

This powerful individual session will increase your leadership effectiveness by increasing your understanding of your creative strengths, your reactive tendencies and how to make the best of both.

When & Where?

Your investment £4,450 +VAT

Maximum number of people: 14