The Happiness Equation
Is happiness a choice? Is it predictable? It would seem so, in the view of happiness expert, Mo Gawdat, author of “Solve for Happy”. In fact, he has a Happiness Equation. His experience with losing his son in a tragic event, distilled a complex truth into a simple realization: the journey to happiness or unhappiness is seldom straightforward. He argues that happiness isn’t about external events but our reactions to them. For example, rain can cause happiness or unhappiness depending on our desires in that moment — when you want to water plants, rain makes you happy. If you want to sunbathe, it’s got the opposite effect.
What is your relationship with failure?
What do you think of the word “failure”? I believe that your relationship with this one word can change your life.
Journey of Audacity: Embracing Adventure and Challenge
Welcome to the last newsletter of the year, delving into the audacious experiences of 2023 and drawing valuable lessons from them. At the start of the year, a prediction of adventure and challenge was made by my coach, and indeed, it has come to pass. And through this journey, I’ve gathered profound insights that I’m excited to share with you
Let it Flow – Seven Lessons from one week in Ghana
Last month I had the privilege of travelling to Ghana with my daughter Carly. We spent an unforgettable week working alongside @Genevieve and her remarkable social impact platform, @Elev-Eight, exploring various community projects. It was a life-changing experience. Here are some lessons I learned. One for each day.
Kindness – an underestimated business strategy?
In my experience, the most effective leaders, those who inspire loyalty in their teams and foster an atmosphere of trust in their organisations, have a surprising trait in common: Kindness. What’s more, I believe it’s because this trait is rare in corporate culture, standing in opposition to growth-at-all costs orthodoxy, that it is so powerful. The current […]