Less is More

Less is More February is the shortest month of the year. And so, I am committing to Less is More and giving more Nos this year! For anyone who knows me, this is an almost impossible task. As an eternal optimist, I see everything as an opportunity. And following Richard Branson’s advice, I say Yes […]
Work hard, play hard, and be kind

I looked up the definition of workaholic today. It’s very simple. A workaholic is a person who works compulsively at the expense of other pursuits. Those other pursuits are often: health, family, relationships, love and of course… the pursuit of happiness itself. In my work as a coach to corporate high achievers I’ve helped many […]
Slowing down to speed up

When was the last time you had nothing on your mind? I never used to. I always had something on my mind. Until recently, on a coaching retreat, when I intentionally created space both physically and mentally. I totally emptied my cup. When you are a high performer, it can feel uncomfortable to have nothing on your […]
6 Insights in 6 Days – 6/9

This is my second article, reflecting on my biggest insights from days 3-6 of my 9-day personal development uplifting experience with my own mentor and his extraordinary community of leaders. For those of you who didn’t read my first article “3 Insights in 3 Days”, I am reflecting on the most powerful A insights for […]
3 Insights in 3 Days – 3/9

I am reflecting on the first 3 days of my intense 9-day personal development experience with my own mentor. As always, there have been many, many insights. However, I am distilling them into the top 3 that resonated most with me. And as I am writing my book where the only letter in my alphabet is A, […]
Meet our future selves

Today at our 5th A-list session for our A-mazing leaders, entitled Aspiration, our Wisdom Queen, Tatiana, led us on a powerful visualization journey. We were transported to meet our future selves who told us what is the most important thing to pay attention to, in the next 20 years. Seeing and feeling the energy, the […]