Do you lead with Forgiveness?

Most people think that forgiveness is an act of weakness, but what’s really true is that it takes an immense amount of strength to forgive.   Why is forgiving so hard for us? Because we are slow to accept our own failures, setbacks, and disappointments with courage and grace.  Forgiveness is one of the 24-character strengths in […]

The power of appreciation

Last fall, for two and a half months, my husband was working far away from home. He took on a job as expedition guide on an adventure cruise ship which was navigating from the Great Lakes of North America, down the Pacific to the southern tip of Argentina. From there he was on several expeditions […]

Acting from place of peace

Recently I was coaching a client who just accepted a new high level leadership position.   She noted that after she resigned from her current role, her interactions with her current boss during couple remaining weeks in her existing position, became much easier, she was able to communicate what she wanted to change in the organization […]

Saying NO for a BIGGER YES

Where in your life have you said NO to opportunities that would have brought you comfort or status, but that were not in line with your purpose ? And … what was your BIGGER YES that came out of this NO?   My first NO for a BIGGER YES was when I worked as young project manager in […]

Less is More

Less is more

Less is More February is the shortest month of the year.  And so, I am committing to Less is More and giving more Nos this year!   For anyone who knows me, this is an almost impossible task. As an eternal optimist, I see everything as an opportunity. And following Richard Branson’s advice, I say Yes […]

Work hard, play hard, and be kind

playing billiard

I looked up the definition of workaholic today. It’s very simple. A workaholic is a person who works compulsively at the expense of other pursuits.  Those other pursuits are often: health, family, relationships, love and of course… the pursuit of happiness itself. In my work as a coach to corporate high achievers I’ve helped many […]