
"Alina is an exceptional human being. She is professional, empathetic and helps you work out solutions for yourself, whilst equipping you with tools to do so. She has a wealth of knowledge andprofessional experience and a great sensitivity in all she does. She is an outstanding individual and brings a human touch to any coachee. Anyone who meets Alina cannot fail to be touched by her"
“My sessions with Tatiana were eye opening. They opened me to risk-taking and a leap of faith in myself. After our work together, I had more of an unwavering belief that i could make my own destiny and have everything I wanted without limitations or trade offs.”
"Alina is the most inspirational coach to have by your side. Incredibly insightful and challenging and yet supportive as well. I loved that each session was very bespoke and tailored to my needs at that very specific moment in time."
“Being coached by Sylvia has been a life changing experience, as she has helped me to look into the reasons of my behaviours on one hand, and also to understand and become conscious of how these behaviours are perceived by people on the other. Becoming more aware of that has been a strong motivation and accelerator for me to change and apply on a daily basis the very concrete tools and techniques discussed during the sessions. Her style of coaching is rather direct and non-complacent, and also very supportive. I have very much appreciated this way of working as it has allowed us to go straight to the issues and work efficiently, in an open environment feeling “ psychologically safe”, which was a key factor for me when considering coaching.”
DIANE, Senior Economist
Financial Services
“Tatiana is one of my biggest and significant encounters in life who completely changed my world. Her sessions made me question many things and encouraged me to make important career steps”
Senior Project Manager in a Pharmaceutical business
“I have known Sylvia as a tried and trusted advisor and coach for more than 15 years now; she couples active and genuine listening, sincere empathy and understanding, with great and resourceful professionalism. Importantly, she does not shy away from taking a contrarian view, while providing candid, but solid and holistic advice. I can highly recommend her both as a long-term transformational coach, and as a hands-on advisor in concrete and complex situations.“
“Alina combines the superpowers of a skilled leadership coach and therapist all in one, She can help you dig deep, find yourself, and construct a path forward, taking your leadership skills to the next level. Highly reccommended, deeply rewarding experience.”
“Carmen has given me the gift of reconnecting with my intuition and of not just believing but actually knowing that I have all answers ready within me. This allowed me to, for the first time ever, know 100% what it is I want to do in life. Fully embracing this inner knowing has helped me go through life more courageously, carrying an inner compass that is always there to tell me when I’m about to take a wrong turn. Working with Carmen has also allowed me to let go of core beliefs and thoughts that no longer serve me – our sessions have created the space and energy for me to uncover and see them clearly, to really study them, and then let them go with love and gratitude.”
“Working with Sylvia has been inspiring and life changing. She has helped me get clear and take action on fundamental issues at work, and in my life. Her challenge and support helped me revisit my ways of thinking, of relating with others, my habits and communication style. And importantly, I really enjoyed the process as she combined great depth with lightness and humour.”
Nicola, Chief Compliance Officer, Financial Industry
“I can highly recommend Carmen as an effective and insightful coach that can help you become the best version of you. Her ability to identify your strengths, point out your blind-spots and bring about self-reflection on one hand and to provide you with practical tools and skills on the other, makes her a coach that can bring about a real difference in your professional and personal life.”
Head Capital Markets
“Throughout our conversations I find myself being challenged by Tatiana in ways that I have never experienced. These challenging conversations helped me explore new parts of myself that I haven’t accessed before. Before I signed up with Tatiana, I was hesitant regarding taking this step. I listened to my gut and it paid off. Tatiana does to my mind what my personal trainer does to my body, takes me to places within myself that provide me with exponential growth. I don’t know how she does that.”

Serial Entrepreneur and Mountaineer
“Carmen made me feel safe and comfortable to explore my inner world. I was impressed by the light, yet powerful way Carmen guided me through dark and heavy emotions and memories, showing me pure love and compassion. I am grateful for understanding myself better, for the patterns and programs I have discovered which led me to sabotage myself. I am immensely thankful for helping me to identify the solutions to reach my goals.”
Executive Board Member & CEO
"Alina’s enthusiasm, warmth and incisive focus on the questions that matter have made our coaching sessions a genuine pleasure. She has helped me better understand where my strengths lie, which challenges I should take on and how I should prioritise a very varied workload. I have felt both supported and challenged in just the right way throughout"