
As I am counting down from sunny LA to my book launch in London in one month time, I am celebrating July’s main highlights and insights.

Do you trust yourself?

When I speak to successful entrepreneurs who went through ups and downs to build their businesses, I hear one thing in common regarding lessons they learned from their journeys. One important lesson is to trust their intuition and themselves and follow their passion.

The Happiness Equation

Is happiness a choice?  Is it predictable?  It would seem so, in the view of happiness expert, Mo Gawdat, author of “Solve for Happy”. In fact, he has a Happiness Equation. His experience with losing his son in a tragic event, distilled a complex truth into a simple realization: the journey to happiness or unhappiness is seldom straightforward. He argues that happiness isn’t about external events but our reactions to them. For example, rain can cause happiness or unhappiness depending on our desires in that moment — when you want to water plants, rain makes you happy. If you want to sunbathe, it’s got the opposite effect.

Authentic Leadership and the Masks we sometimes wear.

This is a story about Authentic Leadership and the Masks we sometimes wear to hide ourselves. It’s also a story about removing the masks to reveal hidden gifts of joy, freedom, creativity, and inner alignment. It is a story about connecting to our Authentic Self.

The power of appreciation

Last fall, for two and a half months, my husband was working far away from home. He took on a job as expedition guide on an adventure cruise ship which was navigating from the Great Lakes of North America, down the Pacific to the southern tip of Argentina. From there he was on several expeditions […]